Awkward Robots

Wrapping up a huuuge campaign I had the honor of being art director on. This was hands down, one of the biggest and best projects i’ve ever worked on … I totally got to nurture and grow this thing some kind of weird mutant, awkward robot baby. So many amazing people involved but I was lucky enough to get my stink all over this from the design of the robot to the voice of the social campaign. I pretty much lived Robot Butler for the last few months and you can see some of that goodness after you watch this. and then also click that read more thingy underneath.

Not only did we make the above spot, we made 5 more and a classic black on black on black SUPER VAGUE hype video to tease out the campaign before everything launched.

After this teaser launched, we chronicled the “company” and their meteoric rise and fall over the course of a week on twitter and instagram. From their very high profile product launch to their legs being swept out from under them as “consumers” realized the product was rushed to market without testing. Turns out owning a robot butler is actually pretty awkward

Here are some of my initial designs for the robot as well. I got to work with the insanely talented people at Legacy Effects out in California. These guys do pretty much every practical film and commercial character out there so this was a huge honor. I even got to tour the full workshop with all their secrety bits and pieces as we nailed down the final bits and pieces of the suit. 

Robot Butler Designs.png

Seeing these spots finished and on tv is amazing but seeing the public respond to and post some of the smaller pieces we did was out of control awesome. Such a great project


I have…special ears


We’re gonna need a bigger boat