My first Kickstarter Film

Cant believe I finally get to share this. First off, happy holidays to everyone. Second off, pirate movie!

If i’ve shared a beer with you in the last few years, you’ve probably gotten an earful about this idea and i’m sorry for talking so loud. Today I am launching a kickstarter campaign to help me wrap up that idea, my first film “A Pirate for Christmas” (Link below). With quarantine, i’ve gotten possibly TOO much time at my desk to work on this and now I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Take a look at the teaser then head on over to the kickstarter page to learn more about the film (LINK BELOW). If you can, donate a bucker two. Every dollar goes to hiring some super talented musicians to write and record an original score for the film. Every *extra* dollar goes to wrapping up the rest of the animation in time to ship it off to film festivals next year.

If you can’t tell, this is a very special project to me, it’s one of the reasons I started dicking around with animation, plus it nestles itself right back in my home towns history. This thing started off as a dumb little doodle and look at him now, movin around….jumping and sneakin, just like a real boy! Thanks again for reading and Merry Christmas ya filthy sea dogs. Link BELOW 🏴‍☠️ 🎄


Yo ho ho…